I am registered to provide overnight care for children if required.
I offer a babysitting service in your own home for parents who need a night out!!! This is available over the weekend and after 7.30pm weekdays for families who attend Tinklebugs. Please contact me for more information.
I am registered to provide overnight care for children if required.
Children being cared for overnight have additional care needs, which need to be discussed prior to a child staying. I will need to obtain information from you about your child's routines and habits, i.e. bedwetting, nightmares etc and share with you their arrangements for care to ensure the child's needs are met. The child's safety and privacy are safeguarded at all times.
Before a child stays overnight, emergency contact numbers must be provided. If the parent is unavailable to be contacted then another named person must be available to collect the child if necessary - confirmation of this agreement must be obtained which will be included in the contract with the parent's agreement.
Please supply the following items in an overnight bag for your child's stay:
Suitable nappies and wipes
Pajamas / dressing gown / slippers
Toiletries (toothpaste / toothbrush / soap / bubble bath / shampoo etc)
Clothing for the next morning
Comforter / teddy for sleep
Any other items you feel your child may need