Holiday Club
Tinklebugs Holiday Club runs during school holidays from 9am and 3pm although outside of these hours may also be available. A pack lunch is provided for your child as well as fresh drinking water and squash.
We have exciting activites and excursions for children booked into Tinklebugs Holiday Club under the watchful eyes of fully qualified staff.
Your child will benefit from interaction with other children, gaining social skills, confidence, freedom to express creativity and explore individual identity.
As well as activites provided on base for children, a wide variety of outing are available throughout the holidays including trips to London, Sealife Centre, Adventure Island, cinema and bowling.
Please ensure you provide suitable clothing and footwear for outside activities including a waterproof coat. If children do not have the correct attire they may not be able to enjoy all the activites.
Activities include-
Cooking Art and craft
Den building Pond dipping
Kite making/flying Barleylands
Dino hunt Musicals
Sports day Treasure hunts
Computer games Indoor play centres
Junk modelling Movies
Bowling Tree climbing
Castle visits Theme days
9am - 3pm includes packed lunch £24 per day
8am - 9am includes breakfast £4
3pm - 5pm includes cooked tea £8
Additional costs may be charged for some excussions for those booked into Tinklebugs Holiday Club.
To book your child a place please contact Carla on 07801277396 or email Places go very quick and is a case of a first come basis. All payments must be made prior to confirmation of booking.
A one off £25 registration fee is require for all new children which will include a 'Tinklebugs Pack'.