Hours and Fees

Hours and Fees...

Tinklebugs opening hours are:

Bank Holidays are only available on request and have additional costs. Other arrangements may be made with prior arrangement to accommodate parents working shifts or flexible hours.

Additionally, if childcare is required at an earlier or later time than the above hours, this can be discussed and agreed as appropriate.

After talking to parents and other childminders I have found that it is normal to charge on top of fees for meals and snacks, activities and entrance fees for local outings. I DO NOT charge for the above, neither do I charge you extra for toddler clubs!! This will ensure that parents only pay their monthly fee each month and do not get any nasty surprises with 'hidden costs'.

I also offer casual / emergency childcare. At short notice parents can call me for a one-off place for their child on any day. This can be for parents who work shifts and only require childcare on the odd occasion or if a parent wishes to be child free for a few hours once in a while or if they have an appointment.

I am only able to offer an unplanned place if I remain within my adult to child ratio, as I am limited to the number of children I have at any one time.


For parents who only require school holiday cover can use Tinklebugs Holiday Club which runs during school holidays from 9am to 3pm. Additional hours are also available. 


Working Tax Credit - 9 out of 10 families could save up to 80% of childcare costs through Working Tax Credit. For more information visit www.payingforchildcare.org.uk or call 0845 300 3900.  Martin Lewis (Money Saving Expert) has also produced a very user friendly section on paying for childcare on his website, which includes a tax credit eligibility calculator http://www.moneysavingexpert.com/health/childcare-costs

Childcare Vouchers - Childcare Vouchers allow employers to help their employees with the cost of childcare. Childcare Vouchers are exempt from National Insurance Contributions (NICs) and Income Tax for employees up to the value of £55 per week. All employers are able to run a childcare voucher scheme and employers do make considerable savings too. These vouchers don't have to be used in the week they are received, you could save them up for school holidays.
